Positioning a brand with a purpose

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Today, organizations must constantly evolve and adapt to survive in the business landscape. By establishing a strong brand and aligning goals, companies can navigate and be competitive. But how do you establish a strong brand in the market? And how do you position your brand with a purpose? We will tell you in this blog.

What is the purpose of your organization?

An important part of creating a strong brand is understanding why you exist. Leave profit, fame or personal success behind. The why, the motivation, is a good basis. If the thought is ‘making money’ but you communicate that you want to improve the world, you do not create a bond. Only when you communicate the real story do you speak to your target group. And build a bond.

The Power of Brand Objectives

Organizations that have a clear purpose and why they are in the market have more advantages than those that do not. Former P&G marketing executive Jim Stengel conducted a 10-year research project involving 50,000 brands. He found that brands with a clear focus on improving lives outperformed their competitors in terms of market share and profitability.

Interesting statistics

The study also revealed some interesting statistics. The top 50 companies that really performed were companies with a clear purpose. On average, these top 50 companies grew three times faster than their competitors in the same sector. Investors who invested in these companies would have made 400% more profit than if they had invested in assets linked to the S&P 500 index.

De kracht van merkdoelstellingen

Purpose, vision, mission and values: Why are they important?

Most people use the terms ‘Purpose’, ‘Vision’, ‘Mission’ and ‘Values’ interchangeably. Or pay no attention to them at all. That’s why we’d like to list them for you.


Purpose tells the ‘why’. Why is your brand in the market? You show that your brand is useful to your customers. And that it makes their lives better and easier.


This is the long-term goal. Or the destination you hope to reach by offering your products and services in the market.


The mission refers to the specific actions you need to take to achieve your objective. These are the tactical measures you take on a daily basis to achieve your strategic (long-term) goals.


Your company values ​​describe the principles your brand stands for. This translates into behavior and organizational culture.

Positioning with a purpose is a powerful marketing tool. At YellowSteps, we can help you apply your brand purpose optimally. Contact us to develop and communicate your brand creatively and consistently.


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